Sunday, January 11, 2009

Peanut the Princess

Peanut is our very first dachshund. You could say she started the this whole chapter in our lives. A chapter that we hope have many many many pages in it. She is the one who taught us how loving a dachshund is.

Peanut had one litter (Vienna, Spike and Frankie) after that she got a very bad infection and we decided that we did not want her to have any more puppies. So we decided to have her fix. She became an inside pet that is a total diva. Among the many hats that she has, she is a mom. When the puppies and their mom's are seperated, in comes Peanut. She helps them learn the rules and regulations of being in the house. If she sees a puppy doing something wrong she will either give a bark or go over there and get their attention. This lets them know that they are doing something that is not right. The reason that I am telling you this part is that in Jan 08 we had to make the hard decision to put our Rottie Tasha down. Around August of 08 we found the "perfect" Rottie to add to our family Raider. Well Peanut has taken him under her "wings" and is currently teaching him the rules and regulations of the house. It is funny to see a 12 pound Doxie put a 50 pound Rottie in his place but she does. I forgot to add that the rules and regulations are ones that she has came up on her self. It is very funny thing to watch.

Peanut is also our bed warmer. She sleeps with us and keeps the bed nice and warm. She loves to go bye bye in the car. She will go with us to pick up our oldest son from ball practice. In the cold weather, she will put on her coat with the "Pearls and fur" to diva it up.

But most important hat she has is the one that lets you know that you are the most important person in the whole world when you walk in the door at night. She lets you know how much you are loved. EVERY NIGHT AND EVERY DAY. In today's time we get too busy doing things for ourselves and forget to let the other people in our lives know how much they are loved and cared for. A dog does that every single time they see you.

I will be introducing you from time to time to all of our family members.

Today is Peanut's turn.

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